Thursday, October 4, 2007

Book Overview - Space-Time Continuum

It is almost one year after the publication of my book, Space-Time Continuum (A Study of the Convergence of Physicists, Philosophers and Poets in General and Emily Dickinson in Particular) has been published (by Jaico Publishing House, I wish to share my ideas with several people -- the thrill and excitement of getting one's work published. If there is any thing that has occupied my mind for the last thirty years – it is the basic theme of my book. In spite of the various activities that I have indulged in – like the chores of domestic work, bringing up children and of course, teaching at my college, I used to devote some special time of mine to this particular theme that has engrossed my attention. I have studied physicists, philosophers and poets at random, with the single purpose of catching a connecting thread of common terms used by all of them. The end result is my book -- interpreting poetry and extricating inner meanings through technical terms. Now, one year after the publication of my book, it may bring a recognition and realization for the scientific reader, a pleasant surprise for the student of literature and an enchanting experience for a person with spiritual lineaments. The following excerpts from all the six chapters may serve as samples of the predominant thought-content embodied in the book:
Criticism is a process of becoming and being, ever-present and eternally elusive, tempting to be trapped here and there for brief moments with instantaneous explosion of inner meanings.
The twentieth century, on the verge of entering the twenty first one, has many technical and scientific advances to its credit. On top of all, the theories of Relativity and Quantum Field have revolutionized the basic concepts of people and the very perspective of each discipline in the world. Now, every branch of life has something to do with the other; each atom, in its basic structure, reveals a microcosm that is similar to the macrocosm;each individual is not a separate body, but a part of the universe -- in fact, every miniscule point is part and parcel of the whole universe.
An inner vision emerges when the inner and outer realms of human consciousness meet at a single and singular point -- may be a virtual one -- as far as it eludes expression. In science, it is an intellectual perception aided by instruments coming to a sudden, unforeseen and momentous perfection; in mysticism, it is an emotional cessation; in poetry, it is a moment of life catching fire.
If space and time measure ordinary things of life, Space-Time Continuum is a measure for the extraordinary findings of the scientists. The same Space-Time Continuum helps to resolve the paradox between the reader and writer, serving as an instrument to bring the two together to a common platform of understanding and enlightenment; it makes them come together at a meeting place, knitting them into a common network of concrete relations again and again as a result of multiple mediations.
She[Emily Dickinson] secluded herself from the society, sought divine companionship and in that sole and solemn atmosphere came the outpourings of the soul. The present study is an attemt to understand those soulfull utterances. The poetry of Emilt Dickinson bears evidence to the fact that it can be considered in the light of the findings of Space-Time Continuum.
The experience of a human being -- a mortal tearing off the fetters of space and time and sensing the immortal -- is the forte of mystic poets in general; Emily Dickinson is no exception to it and gives scope to the study of her poetry in the light of Space-Time Continuum. As it has already been said, this is a pioneering and preliminary full-length work of this kind. It has got its own hazards as a background has to be slowly built up for the kind of argument that has been ventured into. However heavily one might have drawn from mystics and scientists, the main appraisal has to be literary;...


krishna said...

Dear Aunt;

Congragulations for your effort and the opening of this site.

I would request you to write a short anology on the present day english used by the vast teenage section of society who are spoiling the beautiful and poetic english and also how the news readers all over the world as well as the programme anchors are using wrong english which in turn is infuencing the young minds to use distorted language in english ....... for example in our younger days we used to word "brink" only to emphasise closer to defeat or downfall and the word literally denotes that but today one finds that the same word is used in many parlances, which in a way is preaching of wrong english.

R. Krishna

Pramila said...
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Pramila said...

Thanks for your comment. The problem that you have mentioned is a global one with a with a wide use of the English language. English is no longer King's or Queen's English, nor does it retain its essential flavour and idiom. Not only the teen-agers, but even elders and well-established professionals bring in the idiom of
their own mother-tongue into English. Language is changing so fast--that it is beyond recognition for some old timers. But that is how it is. I believe that language
lives on the lips of the people and is flexible enough to suit the different needs of the time. Thus spellings change to suit the speed of email drafting. As you say, the very texture and meaning of the word get distorted. All this can be checked, if, to a certain extent, we can draw a line between colloquial language and the written word. Keeping conversational simplicity in one's writing style is different and more appealing than getting oneself carried away by local slang. The remedy for all this is to read and write to maintain a certain standard. Whatever is learnt through audio-video methods gets distilled
into presentable and in the long run, perfect forms—when knowledge is allowed to get crystallized into crisp writing—that is something to which you can turn again and again
to read, enjoy and write again. I think that there is a lot to say about this topic. Let us come to it again.